Mira Wiedergabeliste feat. @mira_kater
Wir haben die beste Mira Spotify-Playlist erstellt, die die gesamte Musik enthält, die kürzlich in @mira_kater's Instagram Stories und Beiträge. Lies mehr oder hör dir die beste Mira (@mira_kater) Playlist auf Spotify an.
Was ist in der Spotify-Playlist von Mira?
# | Name | Artist | Album |
1 | Strike | NIKKÈ | Tutti i me |
2 | Rapaz | Faber (Berlin) | Pieces for Peace |
3 | Oku | Manucho | In Other Words |
4 | Blue sea | BAFFALO | Blue sea |
5 | Cuatro Vientos - Rey&Kjavik Remix | Danit | Cuatro Vientos (Rey&Kjavik Remix) |
Entdecke die Königin von KaterBlau: Wer ist Mira (@mira_kater)?
Wenn Sie ein Fan elektronischer Musik sind, haben Sie Mira wahrscheinlich schon gehört. Sie ist eine in Berlin ansässige DJ und Produzentin, die seit Jahren Wellen in der Underground-Musikszene schlägt. Bekannt für ihre einzigartige Mischung aus organischem Haus, tiefem Euro-Haus und minimalem Techno, hat sich Mira zu einem Haushaltsname in der Branche entwickelt.
Als einer der Schlüsselbewohner von KaterBlau, einem der ikonischsten Clubs Berlins, hat Mira ihren Platz als einer der Top-DJs der Stadt gefestigt. Ihre Sets sind für ihre hypnotischen Rhythmen und ätherischen Klänge bekannt, die die Zuhörer in eine andere Welt transportieren.
Mit über 20 Jahren Erfahrung in der Branche hat Mira auf der ganzen Welt gespielt, von Burning Man bis Tulum. Ihr Signatur-Sound hat ihr eine treue Anhängerschaft verdient und sie wird oft als die Königin von KaterBlau bezeichnet.
Wenn Sie eine Einführung in Miras musikalischen Stil suchen, dann schauen Sie nicht weiter als's kuratierte Playlist mit einigen ihrer besten Tracks. Best Spotify Playlist by enthält einige großartige Songs von Mira ( @mira_kater ), die Sie auf eine Reise durch tiefe und melodische Elektronik führen.
Erleben Sie das Beste von Mira (@mira_kater) mit's Curated Playlist
Suchen Sie nach einer Playlist, die Sie in eine andere Welt transportiert? Dann schauen Sie nicht weiter als's kuratierte Playlist mit einigen der besten Tracks von Mira (@mira_kater). Diese Playlist ist die perfekte Einführung in Miras Signatur-Sound, mit seinen hypnotischen Rhythmen und ätherischen Klängen.
Aber was diese Playlist wirklich auszeichnet, ist, wie sie mit der neuesten Musik auf dem Laufenden gehalten wird, die in Miras Instagram Stories erscheint. Als Ergebnis werden Sie immer frische Tracks hören, die ihren einzigartigen Stil vollständig einfangen.
Um mit dem Hören der Best Mira Playlist von zu beginnen, müssen Sie nur auf den obigen Link klicken und Sie werden direkt zu Spotify weitergeleitet. Von dort aus können Sie die Playlist auf jedem Gerät und zu jeder Zeit hören. Ob Sie zu Hause entspannen oder ins Fitnessstudio gehen, diese Playlist hat Sie abgedeckt.
Also warum warten? Beginnen Sie heute mit dem Hören und erleben Sie einige der besten Musik, die Berlin zu bieten hat!
Entdecke die Künstler, die in Mira (@mira_kater) Playlist vorgestellt werden's curated playlist featuring Mira (@mira_kater) is a treasure trove of some of the best organic house, deep euro house, and minimal techno tracks around. But it's not just Mira's music that makes this playlist so special - there are also several other talented artists featured on it.
One of the artists featured in this playlist is Christopher Schwarzwälder, a German DJ and producer known for his unique blend of ethnotronica and organic electronic music. Another artist featured is AVEM, a Berlin-based producer who creates dreamy and melodic soundscapes that transport listeners to another world.
Other notable artists featured in this playlist include CIOZ, Britta Arnold, The Cure, Atric, Xique-Xique, PKM and apaj. Each artist brings something different to the table, whether it's a unique sound or a fresh perspective on electronic music.
Whether you're a seasoned fan of electronic music or just discovering the genre for the first time,'s curated playlist featuring Mira (@mira_kater) has something for everyone. So why not give it a listen today and discover some new artists that you'll love?'s curated playlist featuring Mira (@mira_kater) is a treasure trove of some of the best organic house, deep euro house, and minimal techno tracks around. But it's not just Mira's music that makes this playlist so special - there are also several other talented artists featured on it.
One of the artists featured in this playlist is Christopher Schwarzwälder, a German DJ and producer known for his unique blend of ethnotronica and organic electronic music. Another artist featured is AVEM, a Berlin-based producer who creates dreamy and melodic soundscapes that transport listeners to another world.
Other notable artists featured in this playlist include CIOZ, Britta Arnold, The Cure, Atric, Xique-Xique, PKM and apaj. Each artist brings something different to the table, whether it's a unique sound or a fresh perspective on electronic music.
Whether you're a seasoned fan of electronic music or just discovering the genre for the first time,'s curated playlist featuring Mira (@mira_kater) has something for everyone. So why not give it a listen today and discover some new artists that you'll love?'s curated playlist featuring Mira (@mira_kater) is a treasure trove of some of the best organic house, deep euro house, and minimal techno tracks around. But it's not just Mira's music that makes this playlist so special - there are also several other talented artists featured on it.
One of the artists featured in this playlist is Christopher Schwarzwälder, a German DJ and producer known for his unique blend of ethnotronica and organic electronic music. Another artist featured is AVEM, a Berlin-based producer who creates dreamy and melodic soundscapes that transport listeners to another world.
Other notable artists featured in this playlist include CIOZ, Britta Arnold, The Cure, Atric, Xique-Xique, PKM and apaj. Each artist brings something different to the table, whether it's a unique sound or a fresh perspective on electronic music.
Whether you're a seasoned fan of electronic music or just discovering the genre for the first time,'s curated playlist featuring Mira (@mira_kater) has something for everyone. So why not give it a listen today and discover some new artists that you'll love?'s curated playlist featuring Mira (@mira_kater) is a treasure trove of some of the best organic house, deep euro house, and minimal techno tracks around. But it's not just Mira's music that makes this playlist so special - there are also several other talented artists featured on it.
One of the artists featured in this playlist is Christopher Schwarzwälder, a German DJ and producer known for his unique blend of ethnotronica and organic electronic music. Another artist featured is AVEM, a Berlin-based producer who creates dreamy and melodic soundscapes that transport listeners to another world.
Other notable artists featured in this playlist include CIOZ, Britta Arnold, The Cure, Atric, Xique-Xique, PKM and apaj. Each artist brings something different to the table, whether it's a unique sound or a fresh perspective on electronic music.
Whether you're a seasoned fan of electronic music or just discovering the genre for the first time,'s curated playlist featuring Mira (@mira_kater) has something for everyone. So why not give it a listen today and discover some new artists that you'll love?
Erkunden Sie die Vielfalt der Genres, die in Mira (@mira_kater) Playlist vorgestellt werden's curated playlist featuring Mira (@mira_kater) is a melting pot of different genres, each with their own unique sound and feel. From organic house to deep euro house, and from minimal techno to rock, this playlist has something for everyone.
If you're looking for music to get you pumped up for a workout or run, then the electronic music tracks in this playlist are perfect. They have a constant beat that will keep you motivated and energised throughout your workout. If you're looking for something more relaxing, then the dreamy soundscapes of AVEM or Xique-Xique will transport you to another world.
For those who love classic rock or punk music, there are also some great tracks in this playlist that will take you back in time. The Cure's iconic sound is present throughout the playlist with their hit song featured prominently on it.
But regardless of what your favourite genre is, there's something for everyone in's curated playlist featuring Mira (@mira_kater). So why not give it a listen today and discover some new sounds that will take your breath away?'s curated playlist featuring Mira (@mira_kater) is a melting pot of different genres, each with their own unique sound and feel. From organic house to deep euro house, and from minimal techno to rock, this playlist has something for everyone.
If you're looking for music to get you pumped up for a workout or run, then the electronic music tracks in this playlist are perfect. They have a constant beat that will keep you motivated and energised throughout your workout. If you're looking for something more relaxing, then the dreamy soundscapes of AVEM or Xique-Xique will transport you to another world.
For those who love classic rock or punk music, there are also some great tracks in this playlist that will take you back in time. The Cure's iconic sound is present throughout the playlist with their hit song featured prominently on it.
But regardless of what your favourite genre is, there's something for everyone in's curated playlist featuring Mira (@mira_kater). So why not give it a listen today and discover some new sounds that will take your breath away?
Verwandte Wiedergabelisten
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